Friday, February 24, 2012

Pop for the veggie platter

Great job Emmy!  I love this idea :)

Just a quick post for my first on something I put together last night at a Pampered Chef party... I saw the idea on Pinterest and thought it was too cute and easy, and was just waiting for the right time to try it!

I hollowed out three different colors of bell peppers (for aesthetic reasons) and filled them with dips I whipped up- Ranch, Onion and Green Chile!  The green chile dip is amazing, but store bought and can be found anywhere in NM.  The Ranch and Onion are simply a Lipton Onion Soup mix packet and a Ranch dressing packet mixed with sour cream, and voila, instant delicious dips!  A great way to add a creative flair to a vegetable platter... happy eating :)  xoxo b

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