Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pineapple Bacon Poppers

Okay, since Emmy FINALLY conceded victory to us on the doughnuts, I have to give it to her for the bacon/pineapple challenge.  Especially since I was dreading this a bit as I really only like bacon in breakfast burritos...

Because of that, we've changed up the challenge format- new guidelines to come!

I made a pineapple jalepeno popper for my challenge, and they actually turned out quite nice :)


 I only made 3 poppers and just eyeballed the ingredients I used, so I don't have any exact measurements.


3 jalepenos
1 fresh pineapple (can definately use canned here, especially for such a small amount)
Pineapple cream cheese
Pepperjack cheese
Turkey bacon
BBQ Sauce of your choice (I used Kraft Spicy Honey)

Cut your jalepenos in half and scrape out the seeds and pith to make nice little boats for your stuffing.  I cut my pineapple in small chunks, but again, canned would probably work best.

Jalepeno boats
Mix together some of the cream cheese with shredded pepperjack to your taste.  I like spicy, so I added more pepperjack- especially to compliment the sweetness of the pineapple cream cheese.

Put a dollop of your cheese mixture in each jalepeno.  Top with pieces of pineapple and a slice of bacon.

Where's the bacon?
Bacon, bacon, bacon!

Cook for 25 minutes in a 350 oven until the bacon has crisped up nicely.  With about 10 minutes left, paint some BBQ sauce on top for some added flavor.


Happy eating :)  xoxo b

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